Scuba Fit
The ultimate physical fitness recommendation for scuba divers is to be in excellent health; free from disease, medical conditions and injury. Divers often have difficulty maintaining this clean slate. It is important for divers to know how to become and remain physically fit, prevent illness and injury, and rehabilitate and manage conditions such as high blood pressure, diabetes, heart problems, and obesity.
The purpose of the ScubaFit® Diver Course is to teach divers who are new to fitness an effective approach towards the establishment of a foundation of general fitness and fitness specific to diving, as well as an understanding of the physical demands of diving. It serves as a safe and supervised fitness program for diving. This course familiarizes divers with the skills, knowledge, planning, organization, procedures, techniques, problems, hazards and enjoyment of being physically fit for diving.
Divers will learn how fitness improves diving performance and reduces the risk of injury and illness. For those divers with experience and knowledge of general fitness, in addition to the above mentioned topics, they will learn activity specific exercises and training concepts that will enhance all their diving activities. All divers will also be given an introduction to the basics of nutrition and the necessity of maintaining hydration during diving.
Scuba diving is usually described as a moderate level activity. Scuba diving by itself does not lend itself to the maintenance of physical fitness. The ScubaFit® Diver Course provides the diver new to a fitness regime an introduction to fitness basics. For those divers who already pursue a program of physical fitness, sport specific exercises, fitness concepts, and training tools are expanded to advanced levels and unique circumstances. The program incorporates components for maintaining physical fitness for all types of diving during peak seasonal activity and during the off season.
Students registered for the ScubaFit® Diver Course can purchase course materials online. Diver Student Materials are intended for use under supervision of an instructor. Divers must purchase both the ScubaFit® Diver Student Manual and ScubaFit® Diver Student LogBook to complete the course.
Getting Started
Stop by and see us to enroll in the course and start learning about being fit for scuba diving.